Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bad Luck/Dream

Sunday I decided to go for a hike up Mt. Kierra.  It's the local "mountain" but is more of a hill.  After getting to the top I decided to meander around for a bit, seeing if I could find anything cool.  As I was climbing down a slanted rock wall, I slipped on some wet moss that covered the slab.  I lashed out for the nearest tree.  Wrong tree.  I removed my hand to find it covered in thorns.  Now my hand has chicken pox and 20 splinters.  Lucky Day.

Dead asleep I laid, dreaming of something horrible.  I can't tell you what it was about , but this must have been the first nightmare I have had in years.  My eyes shot open.  Wide awake my heart pounded, no it was more than that.  It felt like there was a jackhammer in my chest, hammering away at my rib cage.  My hands lurched toward the excruciating pain.  Back and forth I rolled waiting for this pseudo-heart attack to end.  "Breath slowly, deep breaths," I thought.  I have to lower my heart rate.  "In and out, in and out."  Then nothing.  From fears of death, to frustration for being up at 3:30 in the fucking morning, and back to sleep in an instant.  The morning came and I asked myself if that really happened, or if the whole thing was all a dream.  A pain lingered in my chest.  Confirmed.  Nightmares suck.

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