Sunday, May 15, 2011

A bit of luck

Though my life has been fairly un-blog-worthy for the past few weeks, the weekend brought a wonderful story.  My friend Gabby had her boyfriend in town and recruited me to be their travel guide up Mt. Kierra. I had hiked it twice so I was the American expert.  The walk up went smoothly, and a good workout was achieved.  As we were cascading down the mountain, I took a step and heard a shrill.  Mike, the boyfriend, grabbed his girlfriend and jumped backward.  I looked down and saw a pissed off snake, standing straight up.  This thing was mean.  It charged at us and struck left and right.  We grabbed some sticks and poked at it a bit as we went around at a good distance.  Given its dark color and extreme aggressiveness, I'm pretty sure it was a brown snake.  Now a brown snake will kill you in 30 minutes if you don't get anti-venom.  That means that I'm one lucky son of a bitch.  I tip my hat off to Mike for grabbing Gabby, and I look down upon myself for being a dumb ass and not seeing the thing myself.  Well I guess Australia really does have poisonous creatures.  Can't wait to hike Kierra again!

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