Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Movies

Well, as the breaks have finally come to an end I have been continuously reminded of why I am here. My education.  It seems that my assignments, as well as everyone else's, are all due very soon.  This is becoming a big problem since my motivational tank is on E.  I have receiving a few grades so far and I find myself not looking at the overall percent, but how far above the 50% mark I am.  All I have to say is if it wasn't pass fail down here, I would be in a very bad place.  Really though, with classes like Dreams in Literature, what do you expect?

Since everyone is doing work nothing much has been going on.  Next weekend I plan to go to Sydney for a night on the town and I am looking into taking a trip down to Melbourne for the study recess (God knows I wouldn't actually use the break to study).

One thing I can comment on is my recent trip to the movies.  Last night I went to go see the movie Thor with some friends.  In my opinion, crap movie.  Skip it.  The real experience came in the movie theatre.  We entered the movie theatre looking to buy our tickets, however there was no booth or sales desk that you usually buy your tickets at.  Instead we bought them at the concession stand....for $15.50, ouch.  Jacob made the mistake of purchasing a medium drink and a small bag of skittles....26.50.  We then made our way to the screening room.  In the distance, past a 12 foot blank space of carpet, there was a small theatre screen.  As usual, we made our way higher up to avoid neck damage (plus the seats up close smelled like crap).  As I plopped down in my sticky, cracked pleather, covered in popcorn seat I peered at the screen in the distance.  Good thing I wore my glasses.  That bitch was far.  All around the place was littered with food and candy bags.  At least these seats smelled better.  I soon settled in to what would be a typical hero film.  At least Natalie Portman is gorgeous.  I left the theatre in need of a shower, but at least I was in good company.  I'll be skipping the next trip to that shit hole.  AMC 24, I took you for advantage.  You are the grey goose of movie theaters, and I just had a taste Mcormick's.  How I miss you.

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