Tuesday, April 26, 2011


April 25th is Anzac Day in Australia.  This is where they celebrate their alliance with New Zealand, but it has turned into celebrating and remembering everyone that has served in the military.  Its just like Veterans Day, but way more intense.  There is a parade all day in Sydney and services everywhere.  Our plan was to wake up for the dawn service.  My alarm rang at 4:30 am and I rolled out of bed.  Outside it was pouring rain.  I bundled up in a bunch of layers, headed for the door, got a text saying no way (Australians are soft), and reversed right back to bed.  I awoke again at 9 and headed to meet up with everyone.  We made a big breakfast and then.....started drinking.  See people here like to remember those who have served while they get hammered and forget their day.  It's a beautiful thing.  By noon everyone was drunk and ready to go.  I neglected to mention the best part about Anzac day.  That is 2-up.  A gambling game that is legal one day of the year.  Off to North Gong Pub we went.  Through the rain and cold we trekked.  Upon arrival hordes of people surrounded a 8' by 8' piece of carpet taped to the ground in the outside portion of the pub.  Everyone was holding up money, shouting, shaking hands, cursing, and drinking.  It was fucking intense.  I wanted in.  The game is simple.  Three coins are placed on a paddle.  Bets are made between two people, one choosing heads and the other tails.  One of them holds the money.  That's some serious trust.  Australia at its finest.  The flipper throws the coins up and the winner is the one who guessed if there would be more heads or tails.  The money is then given to the winner and a hand shake is made (in most cases).  50-50 odds.  Doesn't get much better than that.  I jumped right in.  There is no strategy to the game.  With nothing but luck people were making giant bets.  The highest I heard was $200. Are you kidding?! $200!!!  These people weren't messing around.  I watched for a bit then made my move.  I went up and down for a bit but came out $15 on top.  Solid.  Now I have nothing bad to say about the game.  Some of my friends weren't so lucky.  Take Wado for example.  $75....down.  Ouch.  Solid playing mate.  By the time we left the pub it felt like we had been there for hours.  I got home and was ready for bed...It was 7 p.m.  What a day.

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