Monday, April 4, 2011

The gym

When the vacation effect of being in a new country finally wore off, I realized it was time to get a gym pass.  Sadly, this was not included in the array of fees charged to my wonderful parents. I just went with a university gym pass.  The $180 fee was the cheapest around.  I quickly found out why.  The first problem I had was the lack of benches.  There were only two in the whole place, which is a big problem with the large amount of traffic.  Also, I immediately found out that the weights are in kilograms.  Makes sense considering I am in Australia.  Didn't stop me from looking like an idiot when I tried to do my first set.  People must have thought I was pretty strong as they witnessed a bar collapse straight onto my chest.  One similarity that I found between this gym and the facility at CU is no matter what equipment is available, there will always be bros to fill it.  Here these bros dress up for the event.  I'm talking stylish shoes, button up shirts, and gelled hair.  One of my greatest experiences came when one day the weight room staff reminded me multiple times to put the weights up when I was done and watched me the whole time to make sure I did it.  Thanks guys, I had no idea. All this is nothing compared to my last problem.  I can handle the lack of equipment.  I can handle the weights being in kilograms.  I can handle the fashion show that is the gym.  And I can handle the annoying weight room staff.  However, I can not handle the Justin Beiber blasting throughout the gym.  That is where I draw the line.  Get it together UOW.

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