Sunday, April 10, 2011

This week

 Yet another Wednesday Night
 Ant at Unibar
 Wado at Unibar
 The duo
 Goon of Fortune!! (Wado's favorite obviously)
Bee Bee's Fortune, Tonald cheers on

Here is the link for the song Forget You performed by Ant and Sam at Unibar

Here is a link for another song written by Anthea.  Its called Let You In

Well I've been slacking with the blog but nothing too crazy has happened.  Wednesday was a successful send off to Bminor.  The highlight was probably being ripped off at the bar.  Now Wado and I couldn't just let that slide.  In spite of the bartender's mistake they are now missing nine glasses.  You try walking out of a bar and not getting caught with five of them in your pants.  It was impressive.  Everyone had their own story though.  Izzy somehow got cut in the face on the dance floor and spent her night in the ER.  Clare spent her night relieving her body of its alcoholic and food content.  And most importantly, Sarah was named "little blueberry" (there is a story but I would get murdered if I posted that).  The night was a success.

Friday night was Wado and Ant's night to perform and boy did they shine.  Despite a solid opener, they lit the place up.  The fear on their faces as the got on that stage was priceless, but by the end of it Ant was actually smiling and playing at a reasonable tempo (in the beginning it looked like her arm was having a seizure).  Wado appeared from behind his music book and he too seemed to be enjoying himself.  Here are a couple of their songs.  The sound quality of my camera doesn't do them justice.  They were amazing.  I'll put videos up when I'm back.

Saturday night was my first Wollongong house party experience.  The night started with the usual pre-drinking shenanigans.  This quickly escalated to drinking heavily.  I quote "It hit me like bricks".  From then on only bits and pieces are memorable.  I took place in a game of beer pong and somehow won (despite stupid Aussie rules), ravaged a bunch of their food, and sucked ass in flip cup.  Then came goon of fortune.  This entailed attaching two goon bags to a rotating drying rack and spinning it.  The two people that the bags stopped on got to attempt to drink as much goon as they good.  This usually resulted in a goon shower, as the bags were fairly high off the ground.  The party slowly merged back inside where we were all greeted with a strobe light.  Apparently, the dancing was a little too intense because it resulted in a visit from the police.  Their words of advice: "turn the music down a bit and party on".  God I love that.  Of course I didn't find out about this until the day after (it was that kind of night).  Soon enough I was in a taxi on my way home.  Everyone then dispersed...I think.  I woke up the next morning fully clothed with the lights on and covered in grass stains.  It was a great night, even been then the horrible hangover the next morning.

Today I am off to the wonderful city of Cairns.  We are spending two days aboard a ship snorkeling and diving, a day bungee jumping, and a day exploring the city.  Its my first hostel experience as well.  I'm hoping its not really like the movie.  Wish me luck.

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