Sunday, April 17, 2011


I figured it would be a nice little Sunday.  Most everyone had returned from vacation so the plan was to head to Abbey's Pub for the night.  Everything was going smoothly.  Typical evening: drinking, dancing, spending money.  The usual.  As I headed to the bathroom I witnessed a dude being thrown out of the bar.  Hilarious.  This guy was doing his best to get away but he was in a vice grip consisting of four huge dudes.  Sorry Charlie.  After a quick laugh I continued my voyage to the bathroom.  I stepped through the door and fumes of sweat and piss crawled up my nostrils.  I did what I had come to do and then went to wash my hands.  There I ran into a buddy, Cal, that I hadn't seen in a while.  We chatted for a sec then another buddy, Mitch, stepped into the room.  Now Mitch was a little more intoxicated than the rest of us.  He was unaware of the thin film of dirt and water that covered the tile floor.  All the sudden he was horizontal in the air and face planted onto the tile.  Cal and I looked at each other with a look of astonishment.  Mitch then sprang back up but he was holding his mouth.  A move of his hand revealed a large chip out of his two front teeth.  Holy Shit that had to hurt.  He went on to ask us what he should do.  I told him to quit looking for his teeth, have a fun night, and go see the dentist tomorrow.  I have learned from experience that there is really nothing else you can do.  The night was pretty bland after this.  Well kids what did we learn today?  Alcohol has an effect on your coordination and can often result in falling.  Be careful out there.  

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