Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Family Feast

The largest Crew yet.

Family dinner has quickly grown into a family feast.  It started as a random night where eight people happened to be in the room and wanted some dinner.  Now, it is a weekly event with its own white board that includes a list of people who will be in attendance.  This week, I was the chosen Iron Chef.  I have a new appreciation for cooking shows, dinner parties, and, most importantly, my mother and father.  Cooking for people can really suck.  In theory it should be relaxing and enjoyable.  Maybe even therapeutic.  I imagined sipping a glass of wine as I glide around the clean kitchen floor in my freshly washed apron.  In reality I was shoving people out of the way, barking orders, and trying reduce my heart rate so I didn't have an attack.  There is so much pressure to impress and cook the perfect meal.  Maybe it's not so bad with a small group of friends or family.  However, when you are cooking for 18 people, it becomes fucking madness.  I would like to thank all my helpers now: BB, Laura, Wado, Izzy, Ant, Sarah, Jacob, and bartender B minor.  You all did a wonderful job and I am sorry for all the physical and mental abuse you had to put up with.  In the end, the meal turned out great, especially for my first time cooking the dish (Sheri Fisher's famous caesar salad and bruschetta).  I am happy to have my turn leading family dinner out of the way, as I'm sure everyone else involved is.

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