Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bus Stop Blues

Everyday around 5:30 endless crowds form at the Uni bus stop.  The majority of them are looking for the C bus, including myself.  As soon as one of those babies comes into sight, the race is on.  The hordes move like crashing waves towards the approaching vessel.  Here all personal boundaries are broken.  Feet are stepped on, girls are pushed, and backpacks are used as blunt objects in second degree assaults.  I bet this is the best part of the day for the bus drivers.  They get to choose whatever spot they please, only to watch the ensuing battle.  Often times they will pull over 25 meters short of the stop and enjoy the mad dash for the door.  Of course things change when people get on the bus.  It's as if they're on vacation.  They sit wherever they want, making sure not to be too close to everyone else.  As soon as the seats are taken, instead of pushing to the back, the aisle will fill about half way from the back.  The front gets jammed with people, while the back stays cool and open with space for a hammock and a bar.  The bus often pulls away when no inch of space is left in the front, leaving dozens of long faces in the dust, while the people in the back stretch their legs and relax for the upcoming ride.  It's a cruel world we live in, but that's how the bus stop works.  Sad but true.  Those people just better hope I'm not that long face left behind.  Otherwise....Oh it's on.

PG Language dedicated to Pattie Danford.

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