Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 2

Well you know that moment I was referring to.  The bomb drop of being thousands of miles from anything you know.  Ya that hit.  One moment I was in the plane eyeing the endless sea of blue, and the next moment I caught my first glimpse of a land full of speedo's and poisonous creatures.  That was when the great migration of monarch butterflies occured in my stomach.  Holy shit what did I get myself into?  So far the landscape is a mixture of Florida and Hawaii.  It's hot and humid as hell.  On the plane I talked to a mammoth of a man (outlaw biker status) who said, "No matter where you go, in some way you will be reminded of home." He was right.  The people are all very friendly, though sometimes I have to stop and say, "What the hell did you just ask me?"  Some of the lingo is just too much.  The fashion sense is well.....very bro.  Some of the shorts these guys wear are Daisy Duke status.  It's really quite funny.  I'll be sticking to my own culture when it comes to the shorts.  I've been told to watch out for the "Lads".  They are identifiable by their white nike dry fit hats and ralph polo shirts.  Very intimidating as you can tell.  Comparable to the crips and bloods of the U.S.........The dorms here are just like freshman year exept outside and a little bigger.  One of my roommates is a local named Steve.  He is your typical 120lb. freshman but he is a nice guy.  I did however come back to my room and find him straightening his bangs.  Don't ask me how I kept a straight face.  I'm not one to judge but that is just not my style.  Neither are the 5 sprays of colonge.  At least our hall will smell nice.  My other roommate remains at home for now.  The best part of campus east (my dorm area) is the fact that it is about a 5 minute walk from the beach.  The coast is endless and littered with little blue jellyfish.  About 500 yards from where we enter the beach there is a cement pool filled by the crashing waves; however it is full of overweight men in undersized speedos.  I guess nothing is perfect.  For now I remain scared as hell but hopefully in a week I'll be settled in.  As I've been continuously told, let the drinking of oweek commence.

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