Friday, February 25, 2011

Party Safe

I would like to give a shout out to the wonderful safety hazards taken by the University of Wollongong.  Being the virtually everyone at uni is of drinking age they have come up with special rules of engagement for all those who choose to partake in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.  #1 No glass. A simple yet elegant rule that keeps people from being cut with glass.  I have no problem with this rule.  #2 No drinking games.  Taking fun out of drinking since 1975.  I guess if the uni wants us to merely look each other in the eye and skull (chug) every drink poured, they are on the right track.  Finally, #3 No drinking in groups larger than nine.  What? Nine?  Who the hell came up with that number?  Well I guess eight people is easy to keep under control, while ten will start a mild riot.  Bravo to whatever genius came up with that rule.  I would also like to make a shout out to the lady handing out the reprimands (which was received for our drinking game which we were playing with glass cups in a group of 15, oops).  Her words to Jacob, Ant, and Drew: "You should feel ashamed for ruining the American's experience at this university.  Do you really want them to have a bad time?"  This lady gets out a lot obviously. 

The past two nights have been all over the place, but all a great time.  First it was a night of mistakes when all of us missed the last bus to the bar.  This turned into a bigger mistake when the people that went down town were refused entry into the bar because of a two hour wait.  Even this was only topped by the acrobatic Jacob running into a raised cement man hole, resulting in a large gash on his shin that bled for a day.  As usual it still ended up as a fun night in 132.
Disclaimer: A large pizza here is a medium in the states and costs $18AUD. 
Last night was a grandpa night of oweek that included the always entertaining apples to apples and a game like charades but with three different rounds of various ways of describing the person.  Sam Wade is murderous at that game.

Tonight is the last party of oweek.  I'm sure it will end on a bang.  Its a versace and something party at a new bar.  That's about all I know. 

The wonderful Anthea has begun the arduous task of teaching me to play guitar.  She is simply amazing with anything musical.  Here is her website for anyone that wants to see what I'm up against.

She is the next big thing I am telling you.

Well I'm off to dinner.  Imagine dorm food where every single piece of bacon costs money.  It's a nightmare.  Don't be surprised if I come home looking like a skeleton. 

Miss Colorado and everyone in it.

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