Saturday, February 26, 2011

The end of the all out fun

Getting Down on the Dance Floor

Looking Good

Last night was the last oweek party.  I was rocking double unmatching plaid, long socks, and a red star covered cowboy hat.  It was a great time.  The bar was cheap and the dancing was dirty.  I ended up leaving on the early side to partake in a kebab with my mates, a must have.  The night ended with me entering my room to find the bathroom light flickering as if it was auditioning for a horror movie.  It got the part.  When I looked down there was a huge huntsman sitting in the middle of the hallway.  I cowered like a 12 year old girl.  Luckily my Steve Irwin instincts kicked in and I caught the thing and disposed of it.  I hope I sent a message to the rest of them; my room is not the place to mess around. 

School starts tomorrow.  That's right Americans, I'm just starting school and it is almost March.  I'm telling you, down here they don't work, they don't go to school, they just sit around.  Everyone is off by four for gosh sakes.  Well, I am off to enjoy my last lax day before my real semester abroad begins.  Hope it's as fun as this last week has been.

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