Friday, March 4, 2011

Australian Uni

Amigos (Yes that is considered a shot here)

Beer Garden at the Grand

After a week of uni I have come to see the differences between America and Australia.  In America we go to school all week, have homework, and take exams.  In Australia we go to tutorials and skip lectures, have between three and four assignments a session, and frown upon the one exam we may have.  I can't pick out what it is but I feel that the Australians got it right.  The value of the beach over education somehow makes students happier and more apt to go out five nights a week.  Between my work load and pass/fail grading scheme, I just am not sure how I will make it through the session.  All you guys back home have it so easy.  I guess you can just imagine being in my situation every time you are stressed before an exam.  Cheers.

This week was full of fun times.  Tuesday night all of us went to Amigos for $3 taco and tequila shots.  This quickly turned into 10 orders of $20 liters of sangria and multiple rounds of shots, which finally amounted to...a huge fucking bill.  I guess we are all here to live it up right?  Bianca was the entertainment of the night, followed by Anthea and Drew.  No one was physically hurt on the evening, only financially.

Wednesday night was Uni night at the Grand Hotel.  The highlight of the night has to go to Jessie.  The poor girl was enjoying a beverage when she was bumped in the arm.  The trajectory of the bump caused an upward thrust of the drink.  The force was opposed by her top right incisor (I maybe looked that up).  She chipped almost half her tooth.  I got the pleasure of witnessing her see herself in the elevator mirror.  That was a face to remember.  The night ended with the usual Mi Goring (Ramen X10).

Thursday I was planning on staying in.  Then one person wanted to go out, which led to another, which led to making the Americans go out for the first Thursday of the semester.  A chain reaction that led to a horrible 8:30 am lecture the next day.  The bar for the evening was Illawarra, a half indoor, half outdoor, high security and low tolerance for nonsense venue.  The highlight had to be the stray from the same playlist that has been on at every bar since the time I arrived.  It was retro night so everyone was busting out their moves, except for the people that don't have any (me).  Sam Wade and Marcus Goodgaine lit up the dance floor, with Bianca Bzdel pushing them to new heights.  The rest of us tried not to dance to close as to not be embarrassed.  It was worth the hangover.

Tomorrow is going to be quite an interesting day.  It is Mardi Gras in Sydney, so my mates and I have decided to go see the massive event.  The town is flooded by thousands upon thousands of people and includes a parade and nudity.  Sadly we are unable to stay for the evening, though it probably would have been a $200 dollar night.  I'm hoping to come back with some good stories.  Only time will tell.

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