Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Few people can bring 600 people to instant tears with their loss.  He could.  He was the guy that would say Hi to everyone that entered the dining hall.  The guy that always made you feel like you had a friend when no one else you knew was around.  A guy that you could sit down and talk to for an hour instantly.  The guy that you met once and forgot his name, but he knew yours and already had a nick-name for you.  God he was a great guy.  A guy I was just getting to know.  A guy with such high aspirations and a travel bug that couldn't be shooed away.  A guy that never seemed down even with a nasty hangover.  He is the first person close that I have lost and most would say I hardly knew him.  But for anyone that ever met him just once, they know how everyone feels.  We all felt close.  For anyone that reads this take a deep breath and remember how lucky you are.  Remember your loved ones.  Remember not to let the little things get you down.  And remember that life is meant to be enjoyed.  He was one of the ones that knew how to do that best.  I wish I could explain the kind of guy you were.  I hope this gives some idea.  

Wherever you went man, I'm pointing at you.

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