Saturday, March 12, 2011

It was Sarah's fault

Just thought I would mention a quick incident at the wonderful local supermarket, Woolworths (wollys).  We had decided to make some tacos for dinner so a group of us headed to wollys.  As we entered the store, the group split to get various ingredients.  I was misfortunate and got paired with Sarah.  We headed for the rotisserie chicken.  With a price tag of $10.39 AUD there was no choice but to pick up every single chicken to find the heaviest one (aka the golden egg).  I thought I had found our winner so I handed it to the lovely Sarah for her opinion.  She hesitated and tried to hand it back to compare to yet another chicken.  The hesitation was fatal.  The half-hearted bird return left her hand as if it had come back from the spit roasted dead.  Then gravity kicked in and that thing dropped like a bomb, spattering its juices all over my leg.  The hellish Australian temperatures don't warrant mention compared to the molten state of that juice.  She stood there with a look on her face that said, "I'm going to"  I immediately told her not to move and that I would go get someone.  The mess was cleaned and my leg didn't require amputation.  The chicken wasn't so lucky.  We had pork that night.

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