Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fake Mexican Food

Amigos, the best Mexican around.  Profit-hungry bastards is what they really are.  This place gives a new meaning to the word stingy.  The night started off as usual.  Reservations for every person that comes.  God forbid one person doesn't show and you get charged for the missing body.  Then there was the ID catastrophe.  First they accept all ID's, then they don't accept American ID's without a passport, then they accept American drivers licenses but they have to write ID on your hand (because everyone knows this is as suitable as a birth certificate).  Despite all this I still had the drive to drink (not the drink to drive, that's dangerous).  The problem was Anthea (the only one available to share a liter) had already bought a half liter of sangria since I had been rejected.  This cost $14, whereas a liter costs $20.  Instead of merely giving us another half liter and charging us the $20 to fix their ID mistake, there was a whole debacle about how this was impossible.  The manager had to be consulted multiple times.  I mean I know it is a difficult situation (sarcastic) but come on.  Luckily things were sorted out and the night moved on.  A birthday was celebrated, drinks were had, and the night was over.  Amigos, you will be skipped in the future.

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