Thursday, March 31, 2011

The funeral

Well George that was quite a show you put on.  You filled that place to the brim, then overflowed it by 750 people.  Only you could pull that off.  Your funeral was amazing.  Your father, mother, and two sisters were some of the strongest people I have ever seen (and your mother was undoubtedly the best dressed with her stunning pink dress and the coolest hat I have ever seen).  They spoke flawlessly of you and brought tears into all of our eyes.  I know I speak for all of us when I say I could sit there all day and hear about all the fun you have had.  I only wish it was coming from your mouth.  Your casket was beautiful and I hear you were looking good as usual underneath.  I'm glad you shaved the day before so you were looking clean.  I'm so glad we got to talk that one last time.  You are one of the only people that can actually get me to talk right after waking up.  I can't tell you how happy I am you stopped me that day.  Well my friend I guess this is one last goodbye.  You will be missed by all, and I will do my best to live my life as you did, full of happiness, conversation, and smiles.  You are the man George Matchett.  I'm pointing at you.

Glad you got to celebrate St. Patty's one last time.

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