Monday, March 14, 2011

A Side Note

I sit here after a day of no big events, no funny stories to tell and no laughs to be had.  A blank page.  But that's just it.  This blank page is a blob ready to be molded.  I can fill it with whatever I want.  A question, an answer, a revelation, or just something random that I need to get off my chest.  That is the beauty of this blank page.  When I started this blog I had no idea what to expect.  Idealized in my mind was a well crafted symphony of stories where each word was written with a defined intention.  I wanted each post to be nothing short of perfect; something everyone would enjoy.  That fog of perfection has quickly dissipated from my mind.  Left I see the true benefits of writing.  It's not something that needs to be shown to others.  It's not something that needs to inspire.  But it is something that everyone should do.  I don't care if you're not a writer.  I don't have knees and I tried to play lacrosse (this will cost your parents a lot less).  Something about writing your thoughts can make life simpler, and that's never a bad thing.  I encourage everyone to take their shot at writing in a journal or a blog, if you are feeling bold.  The important ones will always read with interest.  I'll be damned if you don't feel better after sticking with it for a month.

Dedicated to Madison Gail Fisher.  I love you sis and I hope you are writing.

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